Friday, September 12, 2008

Binge Drinking

I believe that we should lower the drinking age to 18 for several reason, first and formost, if you can die for your country at the age of 18, you should be able to drink alcohol. It's just stupid to have that as a rule.

Also, it would make drinking less of a big deal, and they would not be as reckless as if it was illegal, simply because they wouldnt have to hide it and be sneaky about it. It should be incorporated as young as possible in order to take, the "wildness" out of it.

Also, in other countries, it is looked down upon to be drunk in public, and people follow this "social rule" because thats how they feel. If we wernt so uptight about ceartin things, drinking wouldnt be such a mysterious thing that youths would seek after.

Kids would be also getting into less trouble, because there would be less laws to break. It would lower the crime rate significantly. They would have less chances to get themselves in trouble and screw up their futures, messing up scolarships etc.

They also would not drink so much at once because they would not be confined to a single drinking activity, they would be able to whenever they wanted.

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