Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Nationally i believe that there are several things that we could be more responcible about. First there is the gas issue. We still need an alternative form of fuel for out transportation. It would do wonders with another big issure, our economy. We need to figure out a way to make it "boom" once again. That would help the unemployment issue that we currently have.

Locally, it has annihalated almost all small businesses, making it almost impossible to get hired. It has driven up the unemployment rate greatly, and yet the city finds ways to buy stupid and unnecessicary items like palm trees. Its redding, not LA. That is a very stupid and costly item that could have been better spent assisting the average person.

Personally, it has made it impossible for me to get a job and because of that impossible to drive. My mom cannot afford to give me gas money or pay insurance for me, so i cannot drive to get a job etc. I signed up for the army because i knew that i would not be able to afford college unless i had some serious assistance.

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