Monday, February 23, 2009

Possible Topics

Advertising-I found this to be an interesting topic because of the possibilities of it. There are so many censors and rules for ceartin things and in other areas are left practically untouched. I think that advertising should have its own limits, but in the troubles that america is now, advertisment is a must. It's constantly an issue, but the thought of severely limiting the field is not what alot of people ant.

Prison reform-i find this an interesting topic because of the way that the system is set up. There are people that purposly go into prison just because it's nicer in there than it is on the outside. They are given luxuries that alot of americans cant afford for themselves, and are actually paying for. Its just appaling to me. thats why i also find the capital punishment law so endearing. I have a few opinions that would tie into both of those issues.

Living will-i find this an interesting topic because of it's unique qualities and how delicate of a subject it is. The fact that we wont end braindead people but we'll put animals to sleep because the surgery is too expencive is rediculous. I know it's an animal's life and not a human, but alot of the animals have more of a concience than people. Plus if a person is not aable to function, then how is that living at all?

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