Friday, October 24, 2008

Bridge to nowhere

The bridge to nowhere is a bridge that was promised to an alaskan town 30 years ago, so that the town could be connected to the airport that was located on a diferent island. It is famous because Sarah palin made a joke about it in one of her speeches of how she stopped the "bridge to nowhere". the writer's problem with it is that what Palin said is a false statement, that they are not "nowhere".
He convinces me that his opinion is correct simply by telling a little bit about what happens in the town. Like when he refers to the fact that over 250,000 people pass through the airport in one year. Or the fact that it is the 4th largest community of the state. Or even the fact that they get all of thir tourists, nearly a million a year. I believe that he is in the right about this issue.

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