Thursday, November 20, 2008


It is important to make students more aware of college because, if you get down to it, they simply wont know that college is important for their future. they won't know how important it is to forther their education. They wont know that their education levels can increase their chances of getting a job, or give them their particular choice of a job.
If they don't know what education that they'll need to get their preference of a job, they won't be able to get the job they want, if they get a job at all. college options is important because if there are more educated people, there will be more jobs for them. In shasta county, we have a significantly lower average for post-high school degrees, and we also have a very high unemployment rate. They also say the the average for seniors going onto college after graduation is just 11.6%, although that is argued.
The program helps students get free elp that will assist them into getting more education after high school. when it was formed in 2003, collge applications went up 33% that year. It's no coincidence, and something that should be taken very seriously. Considering that state of the job market right now, it's almost impossible to get a job without at least a high school diploma, and if more kids had a better post-high school education, then the job market would not only be more accessable to them, there would also be more jobs created for them.
The statewide average of 29.5% to the Shasta county average of 18.8%, it's easy too see that it's important that we get the information that students need in order to be able to got the education that has become (almost) necessicary in today's world. If they knew of the options that were available, i believe that most of them would persue those options for a career that they would enjoy. But that can't do taht if they dont' know that the option is there.

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